今回購入したのは厚さ3 mmの透明アクリル板910 mm × 600 mmです。近所のホームセンターで4800円でした。この板から今回使用するアームで使用する分(250 mm × 50 mm)を切り出します。切り出すためには、プラスチックカッターを使用します。プラスチックカッターによる加工は、安価であるというメリットがあります。しかし、切る部分に溝を彫り、ある程度のところまで彫れたら力を加えて割る必要があるため細かい加工が難しく、時間がかかるという欠点があります。
import controlP5.*; import processing.serial.*; ControlP5 cp5; PGraphics pg; Slider2D ui; Serial myPort; int[] cmd = {255,0,3,0,90,90}; boolean init = false; float x1,y1,x2,y2,xe,ye; float oldX2,oldY2,oldXe,oldYe; float angle1; float angle2; float angle1_; float angle2_; float the1; float the2; final float l1 = 100; final float l2 = 100; final int r = 20; int dir = 1; void setup(){ size(640,640); stroke(255,255,255); fill(255,255,255); //set to origin. x1 = 300; y1 = 350; pg = createGraphics(width,height,JAVA2D); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); ui = cp5.addSlider2D("Position") .setSize(200,200) .setArrayValue(new float[] {79, 1}) .setMaxX(150) .setMaxY(132) .setMinX(-90) .setMinY(-50) .setPosition(30,30) ; String portName = Serial.list()[5]; println(Serial.list()); myPort = new Serial(this,portName,9600); init = true; } void draw() { //myPort.write("123,456\0"); background(0); angle1_ = acos((pow(l1,2)-pow(l2,2)+(pow(ui.arrayValue()[0],2)+pow(ui.arrayValue()[1],2)))/((2*l1)*sqrt(pow(ui.arrayValue()[0],2)+pow(ui.arrayValue()[1],2)))); angle1 = atan2(ui.arrayValue()[1],ui.arrayValue()[0])-angle1_; angle2_ = acos((pow(l2,2)-pow(l1,2)+(pow(ui.arrayValue()[0],2)+pow(ui.arrayValue()[1],2)))/((2*l2)*sqrt(pow(ui.arrayValue()[0],2)+pow(ui.arrayValue()[1],2)))); angle2 = angle1_ + angle2_; //print(angle1);print(":");println(angle2); float degangle1 = angle1 * 180/PI; float degangle2 = angle2 * 180/PI; angle1 = degangle1 * PI/180; angle2 = degangle2 * PI/180; x2 = x1+l1*cos(angle1); y2 = y1+l1*sin(angle1); xe = x2+l2*cos(angle1+angle2); ye = y2+l2*sin(angle1+angle2); if(degangle1 <= -90){ xe = oldXe; ye = oldYe; x2 = oldX2; y2 = oldY2; degangle1 = -90; } if(degangle1 >= 90){ xe = oldXe; ye = oldYe; x2 = oldX2; y2 = oldY2; degangle1 = 90; } if(angle2<=0){ xe = oldXe; ye = oldYe; x2 = oldX2; y2 = oldY2; degangle2 = 0; } if(angle2>=180){ xe = oldXe; ye = oldYe; x2 = oldX2; y2 = oldY2; degangle2 = 180; } ellipse(x1,y1,r,r); ellipse(x2,y2,r,r); fill(255,0,0); ellipse(xe,ye,r,r); fill(255); line(x1,y1,x2,y2); line(x2,y2,xe,ye); pg.beginDraw(); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(0,100,100); //pg.ellipse(xe,ye,r,r); pg.endDraw(); image(pg.get(0,0,width,height),0,0); //print(degangle1);print(":");println(degangle2); cmd[4] = (int)(90-degangle1); cmd[5] = (int)(180-degangle2); oldXe = xe; oldYe = ye; oldX2 = x2; oldY2 = y2; servoCmd(); } void servoCmd() { if(!init) return; for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { myPort.write((byte)cmd[i]); } } void mouseDragged(){ int x = (int)(mouseX-x1); int y = (int)(mouseY-y1); if( x <= -90) x = -90; if( x >= 150) x = 150; if( y <= -50) y = -50; if( y >= 132) y = 130; ui.arrayValue()[0] = x; ui.arrayValue()[1] = y; print(ui.arrayValue()[0]);print(":");println(ui.arrayValue()[1]); }
#include <Servo.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> Servo myservo1,myservo2,myservo3; float deg1,deg2; unsigned char incomingByte = 0; unsigned char data[20]; int axis1 = 9; int axis2 = 10; int axis3 = 11; int count = 0; int paramLength = 0; int paramCount = 0; int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); myservo1.attach(axis1,800,2200); myservo2.attach(axis2,800,2200); } void loop() { if(Serial.available() > 0){ incomingByte = Serial.read(); switch(count){ case 0: paramLength = 0; paramCount = 0; if(incomingByte == 0xff){ //Header data[count++] = incomingByte; } break; case 1: if(incomingByte == 0){ //ID data[count++] = incomingByte; } break; case 2: //LENGTH data[count++] = incomingByte; paramLength = incomingByte; break; default: if(paramLength > 0){ data[count++] = incomingByte; paramCount++; if(paramCount >= paramLength){ ServoCmdExec(); count = 0; } }else{ count = 0; } break; } } } void ServoCmdExec(){ if((data[4] >= 0) && (data[4] <= 180) ) myservo1.write(data[4]); if((data[5] >= 0) && (data[5] <= 180) ) myservo2.write(data[5]); }
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